Thursday, February 18, 2010

What about Chinese New Year?

On Tuesday night, I told Miss M that we were going to be "celebrating" Fat Tuesday by having food that we would eat if we were in New Orleans...and I explained to her all about Fat Tuesday and the week before Mardi Gras and Mardi Gras and the parades, etc, etc. Then I said - Tonight we will have Jambalaya, just like we would eat if we were going to Mardi Gras. And she asked me - It's to celebrate? And I agreed, and I was so happy that she just took it all in and seemed to understand. And then she said - What about Chinese New Year?
So we had Vegetarian Jumbalaya (from VegWeb) on Tuesday for Fat Tuesday and Veggie Lo Mein (also from VegWeb) and Broccolini (which she picked out at Whole Foods last weekend) Salad (from RAWvolution) for dinner last night to celebrate Chinese New Year!!!
Will try to remember to look for a Chinese New Year festival or something this weekend. The only ones I have found so far are in downtown LA and another one in Monterey Park - - but I can't believe that's hopefully, we can get her to one. :)
Tonight we are having Beans and Greens Soup, to celebrate the end of the celebrations - heheheh j/k.
More later!!!