Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Family Trip 2010

Just got home from a week up in NoCal - Family Trip 2010! :)
Spent Monday and Tuesday in Napa (that was the first time we were up there). It was very cool and relaxing. Once we got ourselves oriented in the city, we had a great time. We did wine tasting at Uncorked, Ceja, and one other winery, ate lunch at CCasa one day (yum yum bean tacos), dinner at Fume, and lunch the next day at Joe's (by the Riverfront). Tuesday morning, Miss M woke up with multiple (!) mosquito bites on one finger that were so swollen that we spent most of the morning looking for a doctor and then waiting around for the appointment - but, it saved my sanity knowing that all it was was mosquitos and wasn't some wild allergy that it looked like!
Tuesday night we got into San Francisco and met up with everyone else. We had so much fun while we were there! Spent one day at the Exploratorium, another day at the Ferry Bldg, Pier 39, and Chinatown and one day it seemed like all we did was ride cable cars! Hahaha! Very fun. We also ate great food - Millenium one night for "high class" vegan, Eastern Gardens one night for Chinese vegan (my whole family went for that!), Cafe Utopia in Chinatown one day, and some philly place (vegan cheese-less seitan sandwiches - they really served that, it was on the menu) in Lower Haight another day...and then there was the usual browsing and tasting - yum! Boulettes for afternoon sweets, boba tea with almond cookies followed by sesame balls and fortune cookies while in Chinatown, and the salad bar at a whole foods (not the chain) market in Lower Haight. We even met Joe and Aimee at an Irish bar in Union Square - nice!
It's nice to get outta town, but it's great to be home.
Some people (ahem! Miss M) are not quite back to the regular schedule at home! ..wanting to stay up late and then sleeping waaaay later than normal! :)
Going to SLO this weekend for Ty's college graduation. Staying with KT at her new place - should be nice and relaxing. Ahhhh! More relaxation - - just what I want!
More later!