Monday, October 11, 2010

Award Time!

A couple of weeks ago I was given an award by the Oh So Savvy Mom, Amy!

If you haven't visited Amy's site yet, you have to stop by. She has lots of giveaways, lots of information about baby products, and (yay!) LOTS of craft ideas (some of which we will be stealing from her to use in the NoNo household! wink, wink!). Her site is fun and informative to read and I am sure you will enjoy it!

As for the prize: Here are the rules!!!
1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2. Pay it forward. Choose up to 15 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.
3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they've been chosen.
Here are the blogs I have chosen, based on their content and fun giveaways (which I enjoy reading - stop by and see if you don't enjoy their blogs as much as I do!):

Living Out Loud - This grandma knows her giveaways - - I have never seen a blog like this before - - she even hosts a weekly giveaway blog gog (instead of hop!).
Student Saving Bucks - Ai LOVES Target! Can you say LOVES??? She finds deals at Target for all of us and then shows off her wares for everyone so that they can save $$, too!
Sammy Makes Six - the Smash Bravo Team / Girls have tons of fun giveaways and they are all girly things - so if you must pamper yourself with the possibility of free giveaways, this is the place to come!!

Congrats to my winners - please stop by their sites and see if anything interests you!
More later!! :)