Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm a Winner!

I generally don't hop on the weekend much, but I decided to "get in to it" so to speak for a little bit both yesterday and today! So fun - I found a couple of hops that I didn't even know about and I am very pleased about that.

Thanks to all the new followers for stopping by to visit! :)

I am also SOOOO excited - I WON a giveaway this morning! Very cool (it's the first time, can you tell - lol!). I won a book and a printables game pack (for my daughter) from  
Yay! Yay! Yay! 
Miss No-No picked out the printables that she liked best - - and we can't wait to get them. I think maybe momma is just as excited as the little one - hahhaha!

The $45 CSN store giveaway that we have going here ends tonight Monday night. So enter tonight now if you haven't already. :)

More later! :)