Friday, June 3, 2011

What are YOU reading Friday?

Hi everyone!!!!
Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!! We had so much fun and it was relaxing and easy going. We actually spent one whole morning sitting around the pool - which, unfortunately, is something that we rarely ever do!! Miss No-No is finally old enough to be in swimming lessons now, so hopefully, we will be swimming more soon!

We spent about an hour in the library last night looking at new books. There is sooooo much stuff I want to read right now. I don't know if they got a lot of new books in recently or if I am not really looking at all the new stuff lately!!! What are YOU reading this week?

I got this book called Twitter Power 2.0 by Joel Comm. It is an awesome book with tons of tips about how to have a more commanding "voice" being on Twitter. I highly recommend it for anyone using Twitter who is unsure about it or about it's potential. There is a lot of stuff about marketing and using Twitter as a promotional tool for your products. Since I am not actually SELLING anything on the internet, I mostly skimmed over these sections, but I did find a lot of useful information about how to be a good tweeter and how to use some parts of Twitter that I didn't completely understand before. If YOU are selling something on the internet, this book makes you a fast study on the types and frequency of "ads" and special offers that you put out. One thing the book also mentions is to make sure that you realize that people are not "following" you or "liking" you, they are CONNECTING with you. Comm says that is what makes Twitter different than other forms of social media available to us now. (Clearly, that was a profound statement that stayed with me after I put the book down!!)
This is a great, quick, informative book on the finer aspects of Twitter.

I found out about this book from Rosann who actually recommended it during a previous What Are YOU Reading Friday!! Thanks Rosann!
If you recommend a book to me, I just may pick that up to and discuss it here!! :)

Do you use Twitter as a marketing tool? What are you selling? Do you think it's helped your business?

what are YOU reading this week?

English Rose stopped by last week to say that she just finished reading Her Love Next Door. If I know ER, I KNOW this is probably a romance novel! ;)

Have a great week!
More later! :)