Monday, October 10, 2011

A Week of Menus

This week is hectic in our house (what else is new????). We were busy all weekend and I didn't get a chance to do much pre-prepping of our dinners.... But, we did some very fun crafts this weekend, which I will be sharing with you all very soon!! :)
Unfortunately, when momma's tired and the little one is left to her own devices (last night) to get ready for bed, this is what happens:

In her defense, I asked her to put on her nightgown and she DID put on her nightgown, BUT she also added a lei, a wand, and this crazy hat that she got from Grandma!!! wonder it took her so long to get ready!!! But, it's hard to argue with a face that sweet, happy, and proud. So she got to brush her teeth in her Hawaiian lei, church-ready hat, fairy princess wand, and ready for bed outfit - lol. <~ and that is what I LOVE about having her in my life.

Anyways, DINNERS will at least be about what is fast and easy this week! ;)
Here's what I am planning:

Nori Rolls with Quinoa

(Mushroom) Taco Night

Tomato Soup and (slightly) Grilled Asparagus Spears

Stir Fry with Noodles

Garden Burgers with Salad

Dinner at Mom and Dad's

Avocado Pasta with Make-your-own Salad and Garlic Bread

1. I usually do Nori Rolls with Rice, but I don't have any pre-made... And all I have is brown rice and wild rice. Since those both take about 35 minutes to make "on the spot", I am subbing in quinoa (which my daughter loves) because I can make it really quick. Quinoa is great - if you haven't heard of it, or tried it yet, it's probably sold in your local grocery store. It was a Mayan staple and it's one of the few grains that has an amazingly high protein content making it an awesome super food - and it cooks in 15 minutes!!!
2. I do the slightly grilled asparagus spears quick and easy: toss trimmed spears with a little bit of light olive oil, some pepper, and seasonings (rosemary, thyme, basil, parsley, garlic powder, and onion powder - just a pinch of each makes a great combo for veggies) and then grill on a covered grill pan for just a few minutes - you want them to be green and crisp (not soggy). Squirt them with a little bit of lemon juice and let them cool off and they are delicious!

What are YOU having for dinner this week?

More later!! :)