Had the busiest weekend! Friday morning, Miss M had to go to the dentist - I noticed that her top teeth seemed more yellow than the bottom ones (which were nice and white) and I was concerned - no amount of brushing seemed to get her teeth whiter! We ended up getting to the dentist's about 40 minutes early so (even though we had already had breakfast) we went over to Eggs, Etc. - this restaurant across the street. This place is so packed on the weekends that there is a line to get in. SN and I have always talked about eating there, but never have, so since we had the time to spare, we walked over there and got a bite to eat. I was just planning on having something small but I ended up getting potatoes with tortillas (and ate almost all of it) and Miss M got pancakes with fruit (and at all of that!). Then we went over to see Dr. D. We had been talking about the dentist every day for over a week - how it doesn't hurt, it's not Dr.D's job to make people hurt, how it's good for her teeth, how her friends all go, etc., etc. - but, I wasn't sure how it was gonna go once we actually got in there! But, she was spectacular! She sat on my lap on the chair, we leaned back together and she was great. The dentist and hygenist both said that they couldn't believe that she did such a good job (since the time before she had ended up crying and they hadn't been able to do anything but check her teeth for a minute). They ended up giving her a toothbrush, stickers, and a braclet (which she promptly lost!), but it all means that next time we go to the dentist, it will be something that she looks forward to! Yay! After school, I told her that as a treat we could go anywhere that she wanted to go....so we ended up on the merrygoround at the mall (lol!). I keep telling her that I will put her on there by herself and just let her go (but I haven't done it yet). This time, she told me that she could do it, so I was about to get off and then the operator started the ride, so I just stepped back a couple of feet (which was probably better than me actually getting off!). After a minute or so, she looked at me and she said - Mommy, I CAN DO THIS! I can do it by myself! Ahhhh! She was so proud of herself and so in awe that she didn't need me to hold her and, I think, that she wasn't scared. Could my heart get any bigger??? More later! :)