Last night for dinner, I made Pumpkin Polenta with Swiss Chard and White Beans. It was a recipe that I adapted from something I found on Rachael Ray's website. She used frozen spinach instead of swiss chard, but I think that any greens would work well. Her recipe also called for cannelli beans, but I used 1/2 garbanzo beans and 1/2 white navy beans (because that's what I had). I wasn't able to take a picture of this, as I was STARVING!!! I ate about half before I thought of the Next time I make it, I will make sure to take a picture BEFORE I dig in!
Pumpkin Polenta
1/2 onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 bunch swiss chard, cleaned, rinsed and sliced into large ribbons
1 cup of white beans
1 cup of broth
1/2 cup polenta
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 cup of Cashew Cheese (left over from the previous night)
salt and pepper
diced Italian parsley, for topping
Saute onions and garlic in oil in a large skillet over medium for approx. 5 minutes. Add swiss chard, saute slightly, add 1/4 cup of broth and cook, covered over low, until wilted, approx. 10 minutes. When greens are done, add beans and cook, uncovered, until beans are warmed through.
While greens are cooking, cook polenta: add broth to a saucepan and bring to a boil. Lower heat slightly and whisk in polenta until incorporated, add pumpkin puree and continue to cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until cooked (according to package directions). Add salt, if needed. Stir in cashew cheese until incorporated.
To serve, pile polenta into a bowl or pasta plate, creating a well in the center. Pile swiss chard mixture into the well until it's overflowing.
Add parsley and pepper, to finish.
Afterwards, I made Miss No-No's lunch for the next day:
I rolled the cooled polenta into balls, added small pieces of celery for the pumpkin stalks and sliced black beans for the pumpkin's eyes. I put leftover garbanzo beans on the side with frozen peas. And sliced kiwi for a sweet treat.
I must admit, I have been totally inspired by the mom over at - she has great ideas and I have been trying to come up with some of my own so that I can surprise Miss No-No daily when she opens up her lunch!
I think this would be fun even for SAHMs with kids that are picky eaters!! I know it works for my little one.
I will be naming the winner of the $45 CSN e-gift card giveaway tomorrow night!! Hang on tight! Good luck to everyone who entered!
More later!!! :)