In light of all that, I have signed up for a photography class! Whooohooohoooo. It's a two hour class - one hour is classroom instruction and going over all the functions of the camera and the following hour is spent at a local beach, learning HOW to use the camera and the buttons. I am looking forward to some hands on learning and really world experience. Hopefully, it translates into better and more creative picture taking!!
Here are some of the pictures that I have taken recently. Although they have come out really clear and look nice, I would love to be able to do something that is more creative and a bonus would be able to take pictures that are truly able to capture everything - the environment, my daughter's enjoyment at whatever she is doing, her reactions, and the entire that someone who isn't there (or maybe even her in 10 years) can look at the pictures and REALLY get a feel for what's going on....but, I suppose, that is every photographer's goal!!!
..She's really not a devil..or a just likes to pose like that - and I love to take pics of her being HER!!!!
More later!! :)