I spent the day today being busy, busy, busy.
Took Miss No-No to Tar-jay (french for Target! hahaha) to get new flops. Her ones from the Disney store are so so cute, but were giving her blisters whenever she wore them for more than five minutes because the straps are plastic. These new ones from Target were only $6.99 and the straps are made from cloth and the insides are padded! What a great deal for the price - - and no more blisters to tend to. They also have a strap across the back so that she won't slip out of them when she runs (which also causes bloody knees, as we have learned!).
Of course, they are purple AND glittery!
We also went to Michael's to pick up felt to make her a Rapunzel ponytail holder that I saw in Family Fun magazine. What little girl ISN'T obsessed with the blond tower-bound princess right now???
Thanks to the answers from my last post about Hummus and your favorite snacks! Pamela from Thoughts of Pamela suggested that I try the Snacks Personality Test - which was a fun way to test what your personality is based on your preferred snack. Thanks, Pamela! According to the test, I am smart and ambitious. Well, hey! These are the kind of tests that I like!!! ;)
If you took the test, tell me, how did you score / what is your personality?
You could probably get lost on this website, they have allll kinds of personality tests!
What are your favorite go to / must buy items at Target?
Do you have another (run-in and buy-it and get-out) store that you prefer more?
I look forward to hearing what you all have to say!
More later!! :)